Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tavi Gevinson Ted talk

Tavi Gevinson is a nineteen-year-old fashion blogger and feminist from Chicago Illinois. Despite her young age Miss Gevinson is dedicated to bringing awareness to the issues that women face specifically teens. Though I have grown out of my teenage years, Tavi’s presentation on titled “A teen just trying to figure it out” really inspired me as an older sister of three current teenagers. She explains the stereotypical roles of women and the harsh reality that they aren’t always represented the best way. She uses her own experiences to tell her audience that she is also “still trying to figure it out”. Her bold statements and monotone humor captured me as she began to explain her master plan of making a change in her life and the lives of other young women. She is the current editor in chief of rookie magazine where she is dedicated to help other young women be comfortable in their own skin and to relieve the pressure that society places on young women every day. As I witness my sisters grow and evolve as young women I am able to see the pressures that fall on their shoulders. They feel that they have to live up to a specific standard instead of living up to their own standard. They are pressured to dress a certain way, act a certain way and even talk a certain way in order to attract a specific crowd. Speeches like Tavi Gevinstons is a relief to big sisters, mothers and leaders of young women around the world because she is proof of what can happen when you are absolutely confident in yourself and comfortable in the world around you.  

TaKaiya Nia

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